Check Out the New Artist Handbook


As we make our way to New York City for A2iM Indie Week, we want to take a moment to do something special for our independent artist friends.

In order to make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of Pandora right at your fingertips, we’ve put together the Artist Handbook. In this handbook, you’ll find everything you need to know about:

  • General Pandora
  • Content Delivery & Working with Distributors
  • Curation
  • Publishing
  • Royalties
  • Next Big Sound (NBS)
  • Artist Marketing Platform (AMP)
  • Resources available to you

Remember, our team is always available to you via or through the AMP Intercom chat feature. Additionally, we’ll always let you know when you’ll have the opportunity to meet with us in person at an upcoming event. Keep an eye on this blog to stay up to date.

Happy Indie Week!